No próximo dia 6 de outubro é o dia oficial, mas qualquer dia (e SEMPRE!) é dia de promover e divulgar os BALÕES, doando uma hora de animação ou decoração por uma causa.
Leia mais informações como tudo começou com a ajuda do "Mr. Google" e participe!
Que tal, vamos "colocar o Brasil no mapa" e incluir profissionais brasileiros?
Bringing the joy of balloons to everyone around the world
"What's it all about?
Celebrating the Art of Balloon Sculpture!
On Wednesday, October 6, 2010, balloon artists around the world will be taking part in an event designed to highlight the act of giving, to deliver thousands of smiles, and to showcase the art of balloon twisting and decorating.
It's the 11th Annual Balloons Around the World, and you can take part!
When is this year's event?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010. Most people are able to participate on that day, but people are welcome to fit it into their schedule anytime during that week, or even within a month or so.
Why should I do it?
When someone receives a spontaneous gift, it brightens their day. When their day is brighter, they spread it on to others. Children love balloon art, and so do adults, although some won't admit it! What better way to showcase the magic of balloon sculpture and make the world a better place, both at the same time!
How do I get involved?
If you're a balloon artist, please go to the Sign Up! Page, fill out the appropriate blanks, and you're in! There's no registration fee, and all participating artists will get a free "Official Artist" button, this year designed by TwinkieDeeStar (Nina Dees). All you need do is to contact a good cause in your community, arrange a time and place, register, be there and have fun! We ask folks to register so we can make sure everyone is acknowledged on the website and to make sure everyone gets their free buttons.
What do I do?
Many people take part by providing personal balloon figures like dogs and flowers, but many are using the day as an opportunity to design multi-balloon sculptures with several other artists to create masterpieces in public places like shopping malls and libraries - to make a local event out of the international celebration!
Why Wednesday, October 6th?
No particular reason, but it's a great way to start National Pizza Month. It's also during a time of year when many balloon artists have time in their schedule, kids are in school, and its before the rush of the holiday season. By now, it's tradition! After all, we're on our eleventh year!
Is there any money involved?
During the past 10 years, people participated for free and/or for donations. Either way works. Of course, the donations went to a local good cause in the artist's community. Other than that, there is no money involved. The magic of the Internet makes this all possible. It's an all-volunteer project! We should give a tip of the hat to John Barthelmes, Larry Moss and all the great people at Balloon HQ for their amazing help! (If you have ANY questions about balloons, they can be answered there!)
Once I sign up, how can I pass the word?
There's a Press Release available you can copy and adapt. We also suggest you have the organization you're working for make a press release too. We were also able to have several governors proclaim the day as a special day in their state and will try to do that again. You might try contacting your own local public officials since they like it better if it comes from one of their own constituents.
We managed to make a few front pages and TV newscasts in the past years, and we'll do what we can to give it a good national and international spin for the 2010 event too. After the fun, you can even post photos for others to see!
Check out what People did last year by going to the Photo page. And get inspired by seeing what people are doing this year by clicking on the Participating Artists page. Use the event as not only an opportunity to showcase your skills, but to learn some new ones too! Read a book, watch a video, thumb through a magazine to learn more about this fascinating art!
What if I'm not a balloon artist? Check out the links at the bottom of the page!