Recentemente o Graham Rouse da www.rouseinternational.com publicou no Facebook esta foto de flores feitas com 260 em 1983 com as seguintes explicações (vale a pena utilizar a ferramenta de tradução do Google disponível do lado esquerdo do GBAlmanac). Alguns terão a oportunidade de conhecer este ícone do mundo dos balões quando ele e sua mulher Mary Queen estiverem no Brasil para participar do Ideias Gigantes de 2010.
Graham Rouse
"I have noticed that a significant majority of my Facebook friends are twisters, yet all the photos I have posted so far of my own work are made with round balloons. So, I think I will start mixing in some long balloons as well. After all, twisting is where I started. My f...irst patent and several of my newest patents are for systems that work especially well with long balloons. And the internal structuring techniques I invented in 1983 have been seminal to a generation of long balloon enthusiast as "Fantasy Flowers". Here are two of the original "Fantasy Flowers" What sets them apart, in addition to being among the originals, is the use of internal structuring of the balloons for the stems and being sealed with air pressure inside the stems.The air pressure inside the structured stems adds volume and, I think, adds a more interesting shape than without it.
Also, if the air pressure inside a flower petal were to be lost there are other petals to fill out the design. But, if the stem goes down the whole flower goes down.In these two cases, there is one more special feature. The stems are curled around to become the stand for the flowers. Even if the stems were to lose air pressure the flowers would remain standing without a separate vase or other container. And, as a personal bias, I like the elegance of design and efficiency of forming the base from the flower stem itself."
Lia Palka
"Graham, I want you to know that I am enjoying so much to see all these beautiful designs made by you along the years! But above all, I appreciate to read the explanations that come along with each photo.Thanks for sharing with us your contributions to the HISTORY OF BALLOONS!"
Mas o mais interessante de se ler é sua visão do presente e do futuro no mundo dos Balões!
Graham Rouse
"Thanks Lia. This is an enjoyable forum for sharing. And, I am enjoying the process of backing up a couple of decades for a running start. But, my ultimate goal is not so much to record contributions to the history of balloons as it is to contribute to the future of balloons.
I am hoping that the "Old" pieces might both serve to inspire others about what they can do and serve as credentials for me so that some of them will bother to listen to some of what I have to say.The other side of preparing to contribute to the future is tuning in to what is happening now.
And that is exciting! There are so many wonderful artists, producing magnificent work all around the world. The communications possible via the internet make the exchange of ideas, images, designs happen so much faster than when one had to wait for the next annual convention or the next issue of Images. "

Realmente, voce conhecer a historia dos baloes, como eram feitos, as ideias originais, como era frutifero o inicio desta arte com tantas coisas a serem descobertas e todas no "escurinho" pois tinhamos que esperar um seminario ou entao uma nova edicao da Images para saber as novidades, mas hoje neste mundo globalizada em tempo real ali esta tudo, para que possamos admirar e descobrir a margia deste universo maravilhoso ...
ResponderExcluirEve Antonello
Pompano Beach - Florida